Submitted by Courtney Harris,
Life Coach for Teens and Parents @ Courtney Harris Coaching
As a Life Coach for Teens and Parents, Courtney supports tweens, teens, and young adults in finding their voice, growing confidence, and thriving.
Courtney writes:
When I first read The Four Agreements in 2017 and came across this phrase “Be impeccable with your word,” I figured I could skip ahead to the second agreement. I thought to myself, “I don’t lie. I’m honest and always tell the truth.” However, this agreement is much deeper than these concepts of lies, truths, and honesty.
I learned, though, that the words I tell myself, the words I use to describe and label my experiences of the world matter. Words influence the ways I show up (or don’t) for friendships.
Today and the following 2 Tuesdays, I’ll be sharing a blog series that applies The Four Agreements to Friendship. If you haven’t read the book, NO WORRIES, you’ll be able to follow along and take away practical tools.
Follow the link to read Courtney’s post: