AWC Blog

From Clinician to Patient to Health Coach

Susan Rinkus Farrell

By Susan Rinkus Farrell,

Susan Rinkus Farrell is a Board-Certified Nurse Practitioner, Continence Specialist & Certified Health Coach and she’s passionate about breaking the silence surrounding the stigma of bladder control problems in women.

She’s the founder & owner of Healthy Bladder Solutions for Women Health Coaching.

Susan shares her Story, Journey and Transformation, “From Clinician to Patient to Health Coach”:

“I never thought this could happen to me. The chronic urinary tract infections, the painful bladder, the unpredictable menopausal symptoms, the runaway thyroid and adrenals, the weight gain and yes, the bladder leaks.

I had become my own most complicated patient.

As I was staying more consistently on my healing path, I started to reflect on my journey. I’ve always been a believer that situations and obstacles are put in our path for a reason.

I realized that within the constraints of a traditional clinical health care practice, I just could not provide the clinical care and the health coaching that I believe is needed to guide and support women with bladder control problems towards healthy change.

I realized that guiding women as a health coach to create space for their transformation and empowering them with knowledge through empathetic support produces the greatest success in helping them to achieve their best possible healthy bladder and self.

Susan Rinkus Farrell

Read her story on her blog: