Official AWC member Susan Rinkus Farrell, nurse practitioner continence specialist and health coach @ Healthy Bladder Solutions Peri/Menopause Women – Overactive, Urge, Stress was recently interviewed on the Perimenopause Hub.
Susan’s practice focuses on guiding women to empower themselves on how to take back control of their bladder and life from embarrassing bladder control problems.
She discusses how fluctuating and declining hormone levels during perimenopause and menopause affects a woman’s bladder and pelvic floor health.
She also talks about the stigma surrounding bladder control problems in women and how it creates silence among both women and health care professionals.
Susan offers several solutions that women can start doing now to get their best possible healthy bladder and self.
And she’s also created a new free and private Facebook group How to Get a Healthy Bladder & Pelvic Floor w/Susan Farrell
Read her post on her site: