AWC Blog

Horse Therapy in the Texas Hill Country

Kelly Michelle Jones, South Wind Equestrian

by Kelly Michelle Jones

Owner/Operator of South Wind Equestrian Center

Equine Experiences and Equine Assisted Psychotherapy

Kelly is an equine professional, specializing in relationship work with horses and humans, focusing on bringing attunement both to self and to others through allowing the horses to teach and guide us through re-connecting with personal power, clear communication, healthy boundaries and accessing creativity and intuition.

Kelly currently serves as an Equine Professional on multiple therapy teams utilizing the Natural Lifemanship modality of equine assisted psychotherapy with over 750 hours of working with clients, is a facilitator of team building workshops and retreats, was a riding instructor for 18 years, owns and manages of South Wind Equestrian Center, coaches one-on-one in equine-assisted learning and is an expert on horse behavior.

Kelly was featured recently on the “Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast“.

Learn more about Kelly and Horse Therapy on her blog: