AWC Blog

PATRIARCHY This Week By a Texas Woman of Color

River from Uncage

BY River Roaring from Uncage Love

River spent over 20 years as a trial attorney and lobbyist who owned her own law office by the courthouse. She walked away at the height of her career to fulfill her mission to support healthy sexuality and relationship.

She co-organizes a meetup that has over 3000 members, facilitates weekend workshops on desire, and, is a certified surrogate partner over the past five years. She has helped people in the most desperate situations succeed in their love lives through her private coaching.

Some might say that what they are doing isn’t perpetuating male dominance, it’s just the best way to do it. But what if it’s just the best way males could think of to do it? There might be whole other alternatives.

Read more about River’s thoughts on this trending topic.