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Go Deeper: The Alchemy of Rolfing & Hakomi

Mike Williams, Certified Rolfer & Certified Hakomi Practitioner

by Mike Williams, Certified Rolfer & Hakomi Practitioner

Mike Williams uses the practices of Rolfing (a form of bodywork), Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy (a holistic & integrative form of psychotherapy), and his extensive experience with diverse somatic and movement arts to help his clients.

My aim is to help you learn to recognize how you operate physically, mentally, and emotionally so you can stop creating habitual barriers to your natural evolution. I call this becoming a Soma Sapien.

Mike Williams

In Mike’s recent post, he talks about his combination of therapies

Mike asks:

[H]ave you ever tried everything to solve a chronic pain challenge – PT, bodywork, acupuncture, massage, maybe even surgery – but nothing seems to unlock it? Or, have you had the experience where a challenge with a certain situation or person seems to always lead to some kind of physical discomfort as well?

Those situations describe the sweet spot I see a lot with my clients that calls for diving into work beyond the physical body. It’s in this place where skillfully unraveling a bit of our subconsciously programmed habit patterns becomes the lynch pin to a transformative healing experience.

Mike Williams

Learn more about his useful therapy combo in his post:

*Also available on his YouTube Channel!

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Learn more about Mike’s work on his site:

  • Rolfing with Mike Williams
  • (source no longer available)

or schedule your complimentary exploratory call (via Acuity Scheduling): Schedule with Mike