Spring Gifts with Summer Greenlees
Summer Greenlees, LMT, is a Massage Therapist, Watsu & Yoga Instructor and she has some exciting news and offerings just in time for Mother’s Day!
New Massage Therapy Office
Summer has been a licensed massage therapist since 1998, and she was awarded “Best Massage Therapist” from Austin Birth Awards in 2013 for her work in Prenatal & Postnatal massage therapy. Summer also adds her expertise from other modalities into massage.
With Summer you are in good hands!
Summer’s Massage Therapy Office is now at Shuniya Yoga Collective:
Shuniya Yoga Collective 1708 Houston St. Austin Texas 78756
Booking info on SummerGreenlees.com!
Yoga Classes on Saturdays!
Summer is a certified Hatha Yoga Instructor with 25 years experience, and has immersed herself into Advanced Yoga Studies. She currently offers Saturday Yoga class @ Shuniya Yoga Collective.
Pre-pay and book yoga through her website links.
Bonus! Looking for a deep-dive Yoga program that is personal and guides you into an embodied somatic yoga practice? check out Summer’s Yoga Nature Series
Gift certificates are available!
A perfect Mother’s Day gift.
To get a gift certificate, pre-pay on her payment page and let her know that your payment is a gift after.
Get a Gift Certificate for Massage, Watsu or Yoga today!
p.s.: Watsu Pools Are Now Open!