David Lauterstein

Author Bodywork Deep Massage Instruction Massage Therapy Music Speaker Teacher Zero Balancing

LMT, Cert. Zero Balancing and Deep Massage

David Lauterstein has been a therapist for over 40 years and advanced bodywork teacher who co-founded The Lauterstein-Conway Massage Schoo in Austin in 1989. He has a private practice in Deep Massage and Zero Balancing in Austin and teaches at his school, nationally as well as internationally presenting workshops….

Joseph Gorordo

Addiction Alcohol Addiction Detox Drug Addiction Music Therapy Treatment

V.P. of Business Development at Recovery Unplugged

Recovery Unplugged is a completely unique approach to addiction treatment. We use the healing power of music alongside traditional interventions to help our clients reconnect with their emotions, their true selves, and the world around them.