Multidisciplinary artist, ceremonialist, homesteader, dream tracker, soul guide and somatic educator in the Feldenkrais Method.
Certified by the Feldenkrais Guild of North America and the Institute for the Study of Somatic Education in San Francisco, their teachers in the work include Julie Casson-Rubin, Paul Rubin, Alan Questel, Ken Robins (Somatic Experiencing) and Patrick Douce of the Esalen Institute. They also have studied embryological development/embodiment with Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen of Body-Mind Centering, and is a certified yoga instructor (RYT 200) through Amy Cooper and the Shasta Yoga Institute.
Under mentorship with Matthew Cochran of Raven Dream Tracking, Foa has been learning the art of listening to dreams and following their lead for over 10 years and now offers guidance within this lineage of wisdom-work.
Identifying as an accidental naturalist, they have completed apprenticeships in applied permaculture design, plant-spirit medicine craft and folk herbalism, bird language and outdoor survival/wilderness-living, and rites of passage work from elders of the Animas Valley Institute.
Foa has been living with disability/chronic pain for over 20 years. Apprenticing the non-human world, turning to the wisdom of nature, regenerative design, and listening to the vanguards of the social justice movement are fundamental to their process and work.