LMT, RBP, RES-CPT, RYT @ Austin Bowenwork & Alignment Center

Bowenwork, Myofascial Release (John Barnes method), Restorative Exercise Specialist, Intuitive Healing


I have over 19 years of professional experience as a bodywork therapist. My niche is helping my clients relax like they never have, overcome chronic pain and begin moving freely again. Most importantly, my passion is creating space for the body and heart to reveal what it needs for healing and expression. I believe we are all worthy of our inner heart’s desires and sometimes we have to manifest pain and illness as a way to wake up to our awesomeness! I am a Master Bowenwork Practitioner, a Registered Yoga Teacher, Restorative Exercise Specialist through the Nutritious Movement Center, Licensed Massage Therapist in the state of Texas, and a healing intuitive.

Jessica is now offering coaching for women

*Updated for 2022

Heart centered coaching for women who are ready to heal, grow, and live a more purpose filled life.

Learn more at: JessicaSheaffer.com

Bowenwork Chronic Pain Coaching Exercise Healing Illness Life Coach Myofascial Pain Relief Restorative Therapy Yoga

Jessica Sheaffer