Lyn McCright, MPH, ANP, GNP, CNS, AHN-BC, HWNC-BC is the owner and director of

Advancing Holistic Health Coaching Program

Online Health Coaching Program and Nurse Coaching Program – with National Board Certification (AHNCC)

Executive Nurse Coaching DBA

For Nurse Executives and their supervisory staff

Lyn McCright Consulting, PLLC

Private coaching practice with focus on health professionals

Lyn is a Board Certified Health and Wellness Nurse Coach and Advanced Holistic Nurse (American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corporation). With an MPH in Nursing from the University of Minnesota’s School of Public Health, she is an Adult and Gerontological Nurse Practitioner, and a Clinical Specialist in Community Health Nursing. Lyn received her BSN at the University of Arkansas Medical Center (now UAMS).

She began coaching more than 30 years ago, teaching resilience based on the Principles of The Resilience Paradigm in her private practice in Monterey, Calif. She later founded Health Consulting and Lyn McCright Consulting in Texas.
Lyn is the leader of Central Texas Chapter, American Holistic Nurses Association.

Published Articles & Podcast

Coaching Continuing Education Health Coach MPH Nurse Coach Nursing Resilience

Lyn McCright