Acupuncturist & Craniosacral Therapist @ Kirsch Method Acupuncture & Bodywork

Matthew is a licensed acupuncturist, licensed massage therapist, certified Texas massage therapy instructor, and certified craniosacral therapist. He is a 7 time AFM Best of Austin Acupuncturist and Bodywork Therapist known for combining acupuncture with craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation, and neural manipulation in one – on – one healing sessions where he stays with the person through the duration of their treatment. The practice is person centered / pain focused with an affinity for disorders of the brain, head, spine, and organ. He practices in Austin and teaches his course ‘chinese medicine concepts in craniosacral contacts’ in the United States.

Acupuncture Craniosacral Therapy Massage Therapy Visceral Manipulation

Matthew Kirsch