Safe Indoor Ventilation Practices During the Pandemic

Amy Kreydin, The Barefoot Dragonfly, has a penchant for research. Amy Kreydin is a clinical aromatherapist, birth doula, board-certified reflexologist. Amy offers private sessions and consults by appointment Monday through Friday. She also offers certificate training in Reflexology and Aromatherapy here in the Austin, Texas studio. In this interview with AWC Founder, Ashley Maltz, we […]

8 Supplements to Support Your Immune System During the Pandemic

By Shelly Haines Shelly Haines is a certified health and wellness coach offering coaching and mentoring to clients who want to live a healthier lifestyle. She specializes in chronic fatigue management. Your diagnosis does not define you. Shelly Haines Read her latest blog post about supplements that help your immune system. The immune system defends our body […]

Allergy Forecast Austin

by Paula Bruno, Ph.D., L.Ac., Paula Bruno, Ph.D., L.Ac., is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist, an AOBTA-CP traditional Chinese bodywork therapist, and a wellness educator. She maintains an active and growing practice at her Austin, TX offices. Dr. Bruno is also available for distance appointments for wellness consultation or coaching. In her recent blog, Paula […]