Swift Fit Events brings fitness and wellness activities into event and conference settings so that attendees can feel restored and revitalized throughout the entirety of the event. Swift Fit offers three different types of activities – ‘running/walking’, ‘group fitness’ and ‘wellness’. These three categories serve any level of fitness and ability while also offering wellness for stress relief, mind sharpening and creating healthy habits. We offer our clients a menu of options which they can choose, customize and have us provide with ease.

Swift Fit founder, Lee Ackerley, worked in banking and grew tired of how every banking conference he attended was essentially the same; sit, eat, drink – rinse and repeat – for nearly every event. Leaving conferences feeling like you could have absorbed more, networked better, or experienced the city you’re in better – leaves a bad taste in anyone’s mouth. In Austin, Lee operated a running tour company part-time for 8 years. He regularly got requests from visiting conferences and corporate events to put on running events but would routinely get asked about group fitness classes, yoga and meditation for attendees. Realizing that he had an opportunity to bring his passion of fitness and wellness into an underserved industry – he created Swift Fit Events to inject healthier options into corporate and conference events – where they seem to be lacking.

Conference Event Space Fitness Group Fitness Wellness

Swift Fit Events Logo. https://swiftfitevents.com/