AWC Blog

The World is Changing

Audrey Barden Rossetti, LAc., MAcOM

By Audrey Barden Rossetti,

Clinical Herbalist @ Good Luck Wellness

The world is changing, and so am I ✨✨✨

Almost ten years ago, I was standing in my little apartment in Alameda, CA, dressed in medical scrubs and very tired from a long shift at the HIV/AIDS facility I used to work at as a Certified Nursing Assistant. I knew that I loved my job, but I also knew that I could do more—make a bigger impact—if I applied to Acupuncture School. It was a very hard choice to make, because my job was absolutely my whole heart and also my family, and I knew I’d be taking a huge leap of faith by starting at square one again. Now, after successfully completing school and building a career that I absolutely love (again!), I can feel another major shift coming from within me—it’s time to make an even bigger impact!⠀

I will no longer be practicing Acupuncture anymore. I will now be focusing on Herbal Medicine Consultations; and Tarot Readings, Human Design Initiations, and Ritual Guidance. These appointments can be made on Thursdays & Saturdays through my website. This means that I will be prescribing herbs all over the country (so if your mom or cousin in another state needs my help, send them my way!). ⠀

I will still also be the virtual, in-house Clinical Herbalist at Integrative Psychiatry Austin, and I will be seeing clients there on Wednesdays & Fridays. If you are looking for complete mental health care, we would be glad to help!⠀

If you’re wondering how you can support Good Luck Wellness, I have an easy answer: make an appointment! I would love to hear how you are doing and provide some medicine and/or some guidance. It is truly my greatest pleasure to find solutions when there seems to be no hope left. If you have any questions about any of my offerings, please feel free to message me and we can find a solution together. It has been so wonderful to know every single one of you and I am honored to have been a part of your journey towards wellness and self-discovery.

Learn more at

📸: My mom, at the San Francisco Lunar New Year Parade, 2011
📸: My mom, at the San Francisco Lunar New Year Parade, 2011⠀